Kanpai is the Japanese equivalent for the English word "Cheers." This fall, I will be attending Sophia University in Tokyo, Japan. The following accounts are the events of my journey as they unfold.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Get Real.

After being here for almost two weeks now, things are starting to settle in. I'm starting to realize that this is not just a year long vacation. There are things that need to get done while I am here.

Last Thursday, I had orientation for Sophia University. Campus is small but really compact, and accessible. It is only a minute or two walk from Yotsuya Station. I'm not quite used to riding the trains yet, but I'm feeling more confident about actually knowing where I am at any given point.

Prior to the actual orientation program, we had a Japanese Placement test. I felt really confident going in, but no so much on my way out. I know I haven't actually been in classes since last December, but maybe I should have studied more. Regardless, the class I am put into is where I need to be so I can only get better from here on out.

After the placement test and orientation, we were introduced to Monitor Students, that are essentially there to help us if we have any questions about the university or things in general about Japanese life. We then went to a welcoming party held in one of the cafeterias. My Japanese is shaky at best, but I was able to meet a lot of new people and made some important contacts for school and club activities.

After the party, I went out to dinner with 5 students from Sophia, and my friend Gordon. He is also an exchange student from Whitewater. Below is my view of the restaurant that night.

The food we ate is called okonomiyaki. Not only that, but we went to a place where you make it yourself right on the table you sit at. Since it was our first time going to a place like this, Gordon and I made most of the food.

The first one that I made turned out like this....

Each time one was finished we cut it up into pieces and then shared. I liked doing it this way because I was able to try several different kinds of okonomiyaki, and believe me, they were all very tasty.

Along with a great meal, it was nice to meet and talk with some of the students from Sophia.

Changing the subject quickly, this past weekend I had my first clubbing experience in Japan. I had a blast, but it ended up putting me in a coma for all of Sunday. Not because I drank to much, but rather because we didn't go to the club until after midnight, and then returned around 6:30 AM. The club was called AgeHA (ah-gei-haa). You can look it up if you want more information or to see what its like, but like the Vegas slogan, what happens in AgeHa, stays in AgeHa.

Well, fun and games aside, today I got a bank account and tomorrow I hope to get a cell phone. Also, the placement test results are posted tomorrow at 10AM so then I can get a feel for what my weekly schedule will be like. School starts on Friday so I have a couple more days of vacation before my "regular life" (if you can call it that) will start.

See ya.

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